safety Doors Services 

Not only software

but also face-to-face services.

At saftey doors, you are always in good hands – profes­sion­ally, technic­ally, and legally.

At our company, we go beyond simply provid­ing a top-notch EHS software solution. 

Our commit­ment to your workplace safety and health includes a wide range of additional services that will help you take your EHS manage­ment to the next level.
Our exper­i­enced team of experts will assist you with imple­ment­ing our EHS software into your system, ensur­ing that the solution is perfectly tailored to your company’s needs, from custom­iz­a­tion to seamless integ­ra­tion into your exist­ing systems. 
Setup & Data Import

Especially for extens­ive projects, setup and data import are a mandat­ory require­ment – we take care of it for you!

Operat­ing possibilities

Install­a­tion on your server as a virtual envir­on­ment, includ­ing SSL encryp­tion and support, or provi­sion of the safety² system as SaaS.

Update and Maintenance

Continu­ous improve­ment of the EHS software safety² to meet the extens­ive require­ments of occupa­tional safety.

Online Present­a­tion

Sched­ule an appoint­ment with us for an online present­a­tion. This present­a­tion with us will only cost you 20 to 30 minutes of your time.


Our support team will gladly answer any questions regard­ing general usage and will be there to provide assist­ance and support whenever needed.


Our product grows through your require­ments. That’s why we regularly organ­ize workshops with our customers.

Setup and Data Import.

This is what safety² can offer you:

Stand­ard­ized Excel import of employee data. Devel­op­ment of a custom­ized import inter­face. Import your data via our API- Your IT team has the option to control the system through the inter­face and import data.

Your data in the system

Centrally managed & uniformly struc­tured data.

Verific­a­tion of Your Data

Valid­at­ors (Verific­a­tion Policies) guaran­tee uniform, consist­ent data quality.

Import Data

An individu­ally created import script trans­fers your data into the safety² system.

The correct format

Common stand­ard formats and inter­faces are supported.

Opera­tional opportunities

Flexible operat­ing options for your EHS software: Choose the right option for your needs. Regard­less of which operat­ing option you choose, our EHS software provides a power­ful and custom­iz­able solution for your occupa­tional health and safety management.

Choose the option that best fits your organ­iz­a­tion and invest in a modern EHS solution that meets your require­ments. Let us work together to promote the safety and well-being of your employ­ees and lead your company success­fully into the future.

Option 1 – Install­a­tion on your server as a virtual environment
  • Install­a­tion of safety² on your network
  • SSL encryp­tion
  • Support for install­a­tion and questions
  • Calcu­la­tion based on a one-time purchase price of safety² plus an annual SUV* fee for provid­ing updates
  • Altern­at­ively, an SWV* software mainten­ance contract is avail­able for a fee.
Option 2 – Provi­sion of the safety² system as SaaS* (Software-as-a-Service)
  • SaaS* includes SUV* and SW*
  • High avail­ab­il­ity guaran­teed through multi-redundancy
  • Mirrored system in an ISO-certi­fied data center
  • Secur­ity ensured through geograph­ical backup
  • SSL encryp­tion
  • Calcu­la­tion of a monthly rental fee includ­ing all services.

*SUV: Software update contract: Regular provi­sion of updates without install­a­tion
*SWV: Software mainten­ance contract: Regular provi­sion of updates with install­a­tion, includ­ing system mainten­ance
*SaaS: Software-as-a-Service: Automatic install­a­tion of all updates, includ­ing maintenance

Update & Maintenance.

The safety²-EHS software is continu­ously being improved to stay up-to-date with the extens­ive require­ments in the field of occupa­tional safety.

With a mainten­ance agree­ment, you are on the safe side and always have access to the latest version of safety²-EHS software. Addition­ally, we will inform you via email about upcom­ing updates. Decide how we may assist you. You have the choice between three types of licenses.

Option 1: SUV Software Update Contract

Regular provi­sion of updates without installation.

Option 2: SWV software mainten­ance contract

Regular provi­sion of updates with install­a­tion, includ­ing mainten­ance of the system.

Option 3: SaaS Software-as-a-Service

Automatic deploy­ment of all updates, includ­ing maintenance.


Receive your inform­a­tion directly via email and on our support portal.


Before every release, we carry out numer­ous tests accord­ing to common standards.

Quality assur­ance

We guaran­tee the best possible quality assurance.

Online present­a­tion

Sched­ule an appoint­ment with us for an online present­a­tion! Your invest­ment in this will take approx­im­ately 20 to 30 minutes of your time.

During this present­a­tion, we will intro­duce you to the safety² EHS platform as well as the safety² modules of your choice. We will be happy to discuss any subsequent questions in a personal meeting at your location.


We are happy to assist you!
Our support team will gladly answer your questions about general opera­tion and provide brief assist­ance. In addition, you can register on our Support & Help page.

Here you can track the status of your requests. You can reach us by phone at +49 2551 83 51 20 or send us an email at
24/7 Support

Our support portal is reach­able 24/7.

Flexible Access­ib­il­ity

Through phone / email / or via the support portal.


Effektiv & zuver­lässig über unser Support-Portal


Our safety²-EHS software is not just a product, but a dynamic platform that is constantly growing and evolving. We believe that your require­ments and needs are the driving force behind the optim­iz­a­tion of our EHS software. That’s why we regularly hold workshops where we dive together into the world of safety²-EHS software.

Our workshops have two import­ant goals: Firstly, they can be used to intro­duce our software to your company in order to optim­ize your work processes and achieve your EHS goals more efficiently. Secondly, they provide a platform for extend­ing and adapt­ing our exist­ing modules. This allows you to actively parti­cip­ate in the optim­iz­a­tion of our software.

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