The Safety² software module Observations

Early risk identification.

Observing, identi­fy­ing, acting:
Secur­ity with an eye for detail.

Closely observed, digit­ally documented“ in English.

Discover the power of obser­va­tions: optim­ize workplace safety and minim­ize risks with our safety² module Obser­va­tions in our EHS software solution.
The safety² module Obser­va­tions works across depart­ments and is independ­ent of the area. It allows users to report unsafe behavior or viola­tions of any safety guidelines uncom­plic­atedly and directly to the appro­pri­ate contact person. Poten­tial sources of danger, such as defect­ive equip­ment or unsuit­able working envir­on­ments, are documented. The collec­tion and record­ing of obser­va­tions automat­ic­ally gener­ate digital action plans and/or operat­ing instruc­tions together with further safety² modules. 

Efficient obser­va­tion manage­ment for risk minimization

By digit­ally record­ing obser­va­tions, immedi­ate action can be taken to prevent accidents and injur­ies. The simpli­fic­a­tion of the report­ing system increases the willing­ness of employ­ees to parti­cip­ate in occupa­tional safety.

Document­a­tion of safety-related obser­va­tions and incidents.


We will be forward­ing documented obser­va­tions and incid­ents digitally.

Emergency Manage­ment

Event Response, Escal­a­tion, and Notifications


Seamless integ­ra­tion into further safety² modules.


Intuit­ive user inter­face with easy navig­a­tion and data input.


Flexib­il­ity to adapt to specific business requirements.


Easily import files and photos, such as .jpg, .jpeg, .mp4, .xls and more.

Optim­ize your workplace safety and minim­ize risks with the safety² Obser­va­tions module. Whether it is observing behavi­ors or condi­tions, this module allows you to easily capture critical inform­a­tion digit­ally, evalu­ate it, and take neces­sary actions.

Obser­va­tions can be quickly, easily, and digit­ally documented. 

Benefit from the full power of the safety² Obser­va­tions module to improve workplace safety, minim­ize accident risks, and create a healthy work envir­on­ment. Simple opera­tion, automatic data analysis, and derived action plans continu­ously improve your occupa­tional safety. Trust in our advanced safety²-EHS software solution and create a safe working envir­on­ment for your employees. 

Das Modul
in Aktion
Peter Schmidt Softwareentwick­ler erklärt, was das safety² Modul Beobach­tun­gen auszeichnet

The user-friendly inter­face of our safety² module Obser­va­tions enables intuit­ive capture of relev­ant data. Depend­ing on the additional module, measures can be defined, assigned, and tracked. Integ­ra­tion with the safety² modules Accident Manage­ment, Audits & Inspec­tions, and Hazard Assess­ments, as well as report gener­a­tion, is possible.

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