Impres­sum  & Haftungsausschluß

Mitarbeiter arbeitet mit Arbeitssicherheits-Sofware

Inform­a­tion accord­ing to § 5 TMG

safety doors GmbH
Ruhen­hof 4
48565 Stein­furt

Handels­reg­ister: HRB 11639
Register­gericht: Steinfurt

Repres­en­ted by:
Karl-Heinz Beier
Andreas Schuch


Telefon: +49 2551 83 51 20
Telefax: +49 2551 83 51 95

Sales tax ID

Sales tax identi­fic­a­tion number accord­ing to § 27 a Umsatz­steuerge­setz:

Details of profes­sional liabil­ity insurance

Area of valid­ity of the insur­ance:

EU-Dispute resol­u­tion

The European Commis­sion provides a platform for online dispute resol­u­tion (OS):
You can find our e‑mail address in the imprint above.

Konzept & Design

agentur für kommunika­tion und design

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbit­ra­tion board

We are neither willing nor oblig­ated to parti­cip­ate in dispute resol­u­tion proceed­ings before a consumer arbit­ra­tion board.

Liabil­ity for content

As service providers, we are respons­ible for our own content on these pages pursu­ant to section 7(1) of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), accord­ing to general laws. However, pursu­ant to sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, we are not oblig­ated as service providers to monitor third party inform­a­tion that is trans­mit­ted or stored, or to look for circum­stances that may indic­ate illegal activities.

Liabil­ity for the removal or block­ing of the use of inform­a­tion pursu­ant to general laws shall remain unaffected by this. However, such liabil­ity is only possible from the time of knowledge of a concrete infringe­ment. If we become aware of any such legal viola­tions, we will remove the content immediately.

Liabil­ity for links

Our offer contains links to external websites of third parties, on whose content we have no influ­ence. There­fore, we cannot assume any liabil­ity for these third-party contents. The respect­ive provider or operator of the pages is always respons­ible for the contents of the linked pages. The linked pages were checked for possible legal viola­tions at the time of linking. Illegal content was not recog­niz­able at the time of linking.

However, perman­ent monit­or­ing of the content of the linked pages is not reason­able without concrete evidence of a viola­tion of the law. If we become aware of any legal viola­tions, we will remove such links immediately.


The content and works created by the site operat­ors on these pages are subject to German copyright law. Repro­duc­tion, processing, distri­bu­tion, and any kind of exploit­a­tion beyond the limits of copyright require the written consent of the respect­ive author or creator. Downloads and copies of this page are only permit­ted for private, non-commer­cial use.

Insofar as the content on this page was not created by the operator, the copyrights of third parties are respec­ted. In partic­u­lar, third-party content is identi­fied as such. Should you never­the­less become aware of a copyright infringe­ment, please inform us accord­ingly. If we become aware of any legal viola­tions, we will remove such content immediately.

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