The Safety² software module external company management

Convey guidelines, ensure safety.

Digit­ally train external compan­ies, visit­ors and suppli­ers, clearly commu­nic­ate secur­ity policies, and record presence and activ­it­ies of external companies.

Outsourcing manage­ment for maximum safety and compli­ance via Intranet or Internet.

Our safety² software module for contractor manage­ment provides maximum secur­ity and compli­ance by offer­ing digital commu­nic­a­tion of safety rules and document­a­tion for visit­ors, contract­ors, suppli­ers, and service providers. Manage all external individu­als centrally with the safety² software module for contractor management.

It ensures that all neces­sary inform­a­tion is provided for their assigned tasks or projects, manages access permis­sions, and creates a secure train­ing history.

Safe from the begin­ning: Third Party Manage­ment with safety² EHS Software.

The safety² module for contractor manage­ment digit­ally records everything from regis­tra­tion to access author­iz­a­tion. It includes the assign­ment of specific train­ing, document­a­tion of train­ing history, and an overview of all those present.

Creation and manage­ment of external compan­ies and their employees.


Conduct­ing train­ings and workshops.


Sign-up via self-regis­tra­tion form using terminal.

Access Control

Access controls to the company. Overview of the current number of external compan­ies and their employ­ees on site.


Train­ing and educa­tion history of all external compan­ies and their employees

Our safety² module for external company manage­ment provides clear commu­nic­a­tion of safety rules and an overview of third-party compan­ies, visit­ors, and suppli­ers. It ensures that external contract­ors and service providers adhere to neces­sary safety stand­ards. It supports you in maintain­ing a compli­ant working envir­on­ment and ensur­ing compli­ance with legal regula­tions when conduct­ing activ­it­ies with external companies.

Easily manage external compan­ies and visitors

Say goodbye to manual and time-consum­ing processes for managing external compan­ies. With the safety² module for external company manage­ment, you can seamlessly integ­rate and manage new external compan­ies in the safety² EHS software, set access permis­sions, and create an up-to-date overview of the number of external compan­ies and their employ­ees on site.
Targeted alloc­a­tion of brief­ings and train­ing, as well as user-friendly self-regis­tra­tion via a terminal, greatly simplify your admin­is­trat­ive processes.

The safety² module in action
Software developer Peter Schmidt knows why this safety² module for external company manage­ment so greatly simpli­fies your admin­is­trat­ive processes.

In the safety² module for external company manage­ment, external compan­ies, visit­ors, and suppli­ers can easily and straight­for­wardly register themselves via a terminal. The module automat­ic­ally assigns train­ing and instruc­tions, documents their history thoroughly, and regulates access permissions.

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