The leading EHS software for occupa­tional safety.

Working with a secure feeling

Take your occupa­tional safety to the next level. 

With safety², be fast, secure, and uncom­plic­ated. safety² is a browser, database, and cloud-based EHS software that can be tailored to your needs. Determ­ine the specific require­ments of your company through the modular struc­ture of our EHS software. With a revision-proof system and always comply­ing with the latest standards.

Manage all safety-related data reliably. In one place.

safety² elimin­ates the need for managing inform­a­tion in a complex way. safety² is a browser, database and cloud-based EHS software that simpli­fies access to document­a­tion and inform­a­tion for employ­ees, manage­ment and regulators.

safety² is the digital solution if you …
- need automatic monit­or­ing and analysis functions
- wish for a config­ur­able platform with mobile access
- require real-time data for informed decision making

Safety² offers digital, user-friendly, and custom­iz­able occupa­tional safety and health solutions!

The benefits of the platform include:

  • a system­ized approach to safety and health,
  • risk minim­iz­a­tion through well-documented processes,
  • custom­iz­able check­lists and reminder functions,
  • online access to the entire system from any location,
  • and sustain­ab­il­ity through the clear assign­ment of respons­ib­il­it­ies and the promo­tion of inter­de­pend­ent processes.
safety² Software EHS-Software für Arbeitssicherheit auf dem Computer
Modular Design

Optimal custom­iz­a­tion to meet your require­ments through modular design.

Automated Secur­ity

Predict­able secur­ity through automated processes relieves you and your employees.

Location-independ­ent Access

Access the entire safety² system anytime and anywhere, even in offline mode.

Inter­na­tion­ally deployable

Access from various locations thanks to cloud-based software. Multi­lin­gual­ism available.

Digital Work

Paper­less and legally secure work through digital document management.

Mobile Working

Easy digital document­a­tion and editing with the mobile app

Our build­ing blocks for your workplace safety.

We at safety² have the perfect solution.

Organ­ize your entire occupa­tional safety world simply and flexibly with our safety² EHS software. Simplify the document­a­tion and manage­ment of your occupa­tional health and safety with our modules accord­ing to your profile require­ments. It has never been easier to collect, manage, link, and organ­ize data!

You can custom­ize the safety² module exactly as you wish!

safety² EHS-Base:

Your new central platform for struc­ture and efficiency consol­id­ates your collec­ted data, updates it, and automat­ic­ally links it to all avail­able modules. Custom­iz­able permis­sions ensure 100% data privacy and secur­ity. The individu­ally custom­iz­able DMS facil­it­ates access to current policies and proced­ures and ensures consist­ent documentation.

safety² is natur­ally multilingual.

Record­ing and document­ing behavi­ors and/or condi­tions in the workplace.

Audits & Inspec­tions
Digital document­a­tion and manage­ment carried out directly during inspec­tions. Embed­ded tools ensure compli­ance with guidelines, early detec­tion of hazards, and remind­ers of recur­ring deadlines.

Risk Assess­ments
The safety² risk assess­ment module is used for captur­ing all hazards in your company in a digital format.

Operat­ing Instruc­tions
Simpli­fied creation through exist­ing or config­ur­able text blocks and symbols. Automated creation through intel­li­gent linking of modules.

Digit­ized train­ings facil­it­ate the fulfill­ment of the oblig­a­tion to instruct.

Central digital overview of each employ­ee’s quali­fic­a­tions. Filter­ing by specific skills is possible.

Accident Manage­ment
Digital record­ing and manage­ment of inform­a­tion on accidents, injur­ies and incid­ents at the workplace.

Occupa­tional medical screen­ing
Digital manage­ment and document­a­tion of occupa­tional medical screen­ing, includ­ing an automated notific­a­tion system for upcom­ing and due examin­a­tions, as well as due screen­ings and/or assessments.

Inspec­tion & Mainten­ance Planner: digit­ally record all mandat­ory inspec­tions of equip­ment and objects. Ensure safety and compli­ance through digital manage­ment of inspec­tion tools and mainten­ance activities.

External Company Manage­ment
Digital induc­tion for external compan­ies, service providers, and visit­ors. Simpli­fy­ing compli­ance with safety guidelines and proced­ures. Includes attend­ance overview.

The safety² measures module is designed to provide a digital overview of all measures within the company. Planning, track­ing, and document­ing all measures from all modules, includ­ing an automatic notific­a­tion system for import­ant changes or when deadlines are reached.

Do you know any of these situations?

The data avail­ab­il­ity and quality are too low to analyze reports correctly and define appro­pri­ate actions?
Are you strug­gling with low accept­ance of your current EHS process and convinced that a user-friendly and intuit­ive EHS system can increase employee engagement?

You constantly feel like you’re running late and wish that you could easily find the neces­sary inform­a­tion in one central place in a database?

Despite trying differ­ent software solutions or self-developed systems, they were more makeshift solutions that made your work more diffi­cult rather than easier.

If you answered „Yes“ to any of these questions, we can help. Our user-friendly software safety² is the complete solution for your EHS manage­ment. With safety², you’ll gain more time to imple­ment safety proced­ures based on relev­ant information.

Expert Know-How

Legally up-to-date, individu­ally custom­iz­able, multi­lin­gual, and optim­ally imple­men­ted for learn­ing – includ­ing success monitoring.

Config­ure your EHS solution accord­ing to your require­ments. You can expand the functional scope at any time with additional modules. With the central platform safety², you can organ­ize your entire occupa­tional health and safety flexibly, individu­ally, and in several languages.
For example, with the modules for hazard assess­ments, operat­ing instruc­tions, train­ing, inspec­tion and mainten­ance planners, and accident management.

Occupa­tional safety and health protec­tion in all areas

Start now!


Talk to our experts and secure your free trial access. With our safety² EHS software from safety doors, you are always on the safe side.

Peter Schmidt
Software Developer

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