The Safety² software module Hazard assessments

Recog­nize, Evalu­ate, Take Precautions.

Safety at the click of a button – Manage risk assess­ments centrally

Custom EHS software: Select modules, actively manage workplace safety

With the safety² module Risk Assess­ments, you can accur­ately assess hazards and ensure that appro­pri­ate preven­tion measures are taken to protect your employees. 
The module allows for a compre­hens­ive risk assess­ment and identi­fies poten­tial sources of danger before they become a serious problem. 

More Control, Less Effort:
The safety² Module for Hazard Assessments

The safety² Hazard Assess­ment module is an indis­pens­able tool for compan­ies that take workplace safety seriously and want to minim­ize risks to their employ­ees and their business. This software module allows you to proact­ively manage hazards and create a safe working envir­on­ment for all involved.

Struc­tured creation and evalu­ation of tasks, workplaces, work equip­ment, and facilities.

Organ­iz­a­tional Chart

Creation and depic­tion of a safety-focused company organ­iz­a­tional chart.

Traffic Light Function

Compre­hens­ible hazard assess­ment through traffic light function.

Template Manage­ment

Database with numer­ous pre-made risk assessments.


Creation of self-config­ur­able checklists.

Actions Track­ing

Overview of the actions for each individual hazard assessment.


Schedul­ing and track­ing effect­ive­ness checks.


Versat­ile print­ing function for multiple compan­ies, sites, depart­ments, and sub-departments.

The safety² module for hazard assess­ments is the found­a­tion for ensur­ing workplace safety in your company. This module allows for the evalu­ation of hazards at worksta­tions, during work processes, and activ­it­ies. It ensures that hazards are addressed prevent­at­ively and in a control­lable manner through appro­pri­ate measures. When used in conjunc­tion with other modules, it can automat­ic­ally gener­ate operat­ing instruc­tions and initi­ate actions and training.

Creat­ing fast risk assess­ments allows for a safer working environment. 

By using the safety² risk assess­ment module, hazards can be identi­fied early and effect­ively managed through appro­pri­ate preven­tion measures. When combined with other safety² modules, opera­tional instruc­tions can be automat­ic­ally gener­ated, and actions and train­ings can be promptly initiated. 

The Module in Action

Software developer Peter Schmidt explains why this safety² module is so powerful.

With the safety² module for hazard assess­ments, we have created a tool that simpli­fies struc­tured hazard assess­ments with an intuit­ive traffic light system. In addition, the workflow is simpli­fied by an extens­ive template manage­ment system with pre-made hazard assess­ments. Self-config­ur­able check­lists and the ability to track measures in each hazard assess­ment enable compre­hens­ive control of safety processes.

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