The safety² occupa­tional health module

Prepare, strengthen, protect.

safety² for a healthy
and secure working environment.

Efficiently organ­iz­ing and schedul­ing occupa­tional medical examinations.

The safety² module for occupa­tional medical care is an efficient tool for organ­iz­ing and planning prevent­ive check-ups. It facil­it­ates your preven­tion manage­ment sustain­ably and effect­ively through intel­li­gent deadline monit­or­ing and appoint­ment management.
An overview of the various G‑examinations and self-created prevent­ive check-ups simpli­fies the assign­ment to the affected employ­ees. The fully automatic notific­a­tion system ensures that upcom­ing, due, and overdue examin­a­tions are repor­ted to a previ­ously defined group of people. 

Digital Occupa­tional Health Preven­tion for a Healthy Work Environment

With the safety² occupa­tional medicine module, you can manage and document your mandat­ory and volun­tary workplace prevent­ive measures digit­ally. This module allows you to easily keep track of all prior prevent­ive measures and examin­a­tions, as well as to notify a pre-determ­ined group of people of upcom­ing, due, or overdue prevent­ive measures and examinations.

Prevent­ive care record

Creation and manage­ment of digital prevent­ive care records.

Appoint­ment Booking

Booking appoint­ments for initial examin­a­tions, follow-up examin­a­tions and check-ups.


Overview of all upcom­ing G‑examinations with minimum stand­ards and prevent­ive measures.


Overview of all completed G‑examinations and prevent­ive measures.

The safety² module for occupa­tional medical check-ups manages and documents all occupa­tional medical G‑examinations/preventive measures. The fully automated notific­a­tion system ensures that pending, due, and overdue G‑examinations/preventive measures can be repor­ted to a previ­ously defined group of persons. An overview of the various G‑examinations as well as volun­tary prevent­ive measures facil­it­ates the alloc­a­tion to the affected employees.

The occupa­tional medical check ensures safety, health, and compli­ance with workplace laws. 

With the safety² module for occupa­tional medical check, you can safely organ­ize the legally required occupa­tional medical checkups and neces­sary follow-up checks. A summary of the various G‑examinations and the self-created checkups makes it easier to assign them to the affected employees. 

The module
in action

Software developer Peter Schmidt explains what makes this module so special.

Occupa­tional health screen­ings are essen­tial for safe working condi­tions and legal compli­ance. This module is user-friendly, linking individu­als with upcom­ing screenings/exams, and ensur­ing that due dates are met through a fully automated notific­a­tion system. The history provides an overview of all completed examinations.

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