The Safety² software module accident management

Recog­nize, Act, Change.

Efficient Accident Manage­ment for Compre­hens­ive Safety. Record accidents, near-accidents, and workplace accidents digit­ally, initi­ate measures, and submit accident reports. 

Holistic accident manage­ment for excel­lent occupa­tional safety

Our safety² accident manage­ment module provides digital record­ing and manage­ment of near-accidents, accidents on the way, and accidents.

It evalu­ates critical events and accidents, logs them, and takes measures to prevent similar incid­ents. The clear struc­ture of the quick-entry form facil­it­ates the struc­tured manage­ment of incid­ents. Sending accident reports from within the module greatly facil­it­ates the admin­is­trat­ive process.

Safety is a Prior­ity:
Accident Manage­ment with Safety²

With the safety² module for accident manage­ment, you can easily capture all near-misses, workplace accidents, and accidents in a clear, fast capture mask. Struc­tured and audit-proof. Simplify your admin­is­trat­ive processes and let the module evalu­ate the causes, derive analyses to detect patterns and causes, and imple­ment measures to avoid future incid­ents of this kind.

Capture of accidents, near-accidents, and workplace accidents.

Quick capture mask

This feature allows for swift data input, ultimately saving time.


Initi­ation of measures directly from within the module.

Print­ing and Shipping

Print­ing and sending accident reports via email to the respons­ible employ­er’s liabil­ity insur­ance association.

With the safety² module Incid­ent Manage­ment, your admin­is­tra­tion is struc­tured and audit-proof for near accidents, pedes­trian accidents, and accidents. In the clear quick capture mask, you can intuit­ively insert data, files, and photo document­a­tion. This module evalu­ates critical events and accidents, logs them and derives actions to avoid similar incidents.

Struc­tured Collec­tion of Accidents, Near-Misses, and Workplace Accidents

Incid­ents of this kind not only cause incon­veni­ence, but also consid­er­able admin­is­trat­ive expense. With the safety² Accident Manage­ment module, you can system­at­ic­ally and easily collect these incid­ents, compre­hens­ively and revision-proof document them, gener­ate appro­pri­ate measures, and thus reduce future incidents.

The module in action
Software developer Peter Schmidt explains the signi­fic­ance of the safety² module accident management.

A well-designed and intuit­ively operated accident manage­ment software is crucial to increase safety in the workplace, meet legal require­ments and achieve long-term improve­ments in health and safety manage­ment. With this in mind, we have developed the safety² software module for accident manage­ment. The quick capture mask and the initi­ation of measures from the module save valuable time resources. The sending of accident reports from the module greatly simpli­fies the admin­is­trat­ive process.

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