The Safety² software module Measures

Shape secur­ity, inter­vene, optimize.

Targeted measures for a safe working envir­on­ment. Plan, imple­ment, and document sustain­able measures effort­lessly with the safety² EHS software.


Efficient measures manage­ment with safety².

The safety² EHS software enables efficient measures manage­ment. The software provides maximum safety and trans­par­ency, with simple creation of measures and a central­ized overview of their status. 
With the safety² measures module, you can manage all opera­tional measures and stay up-to-date on their current status. Simply create new measures and assign them to respons­ible individu­als or depart­ments through the module. An automated notific­a­tion system reliably informs you of any changes or import­ant deadlines and dates. 

Measures manage­ment with the safety² module Measures“ (Trans­lated from German).

The safety² module Measures is the digital overview of all measures in your company. The module simpli­fies the entire process chain, from creation to assign­ment and track­ing, to complete document­a­tion. The automated notific­a­tion system reliably informs you about changes, deadlines, or appointments.

Creation of actions.


Clear assign­ment of measures

Traffic light function

Keep an eye on the status of measures and effect­ive­ness control at all times with a clear traffic light function.


Compre­hens­ive selec­tion options.


History and automatic document­a­tion of all actions.

Create actions, assign them to the correct respons­ible person and always keep track of the status of the actions: that’s what our safety² Module Actions achieves. The safety² Module Actions consol­id­ates all actions from exist­ing modules, presents them in a clear overview and can access a complete history of all imple­men­ted actions if necessary.

Struc­tured measures organ­iz­a­tion with just a mouse-click.

Measures require a lot of admin­is­trat­ive effort if they are not centrally stored and merged. With the safety² module Measures, all measures are collec­ted, managed and monitored centrally in a library. The filter function creates a clear overview of alloc­a­tion, areas, and legal regula­tions. This way, every measure is automat­ic­ally forwar­ded to the respons­ible department.

The module in action

Software developer Peter Schmidt explains what makes the safety² module measures so inter­est­ing for safety professionals.

In the safety² module, creat­ing user-friendly measures was our top prior­ity as developers. The module makes it easy to create, track, and update measures, saving time and resources. Addition­ally, we have imple­men­ted automatic alloc­a­tion, reminder, and monit­or­ing functions.

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