The Safety² software module Operat­ing instructions

Instruc­tions always up-to-date.

Precise instruc­tions – secure processes: With safety², create struc­tured documents with just a few clicks.

Optimal operat­ing instruc­tions management.

Clear instruc­tions for maximum safety: Simplify the creation and manage­ment of operat­ing instruc­tions with our innov­at­ive safety² module for operat­ing instructions. 
With this module, you can create detailed and custom­ized instruc­tions for all work processes and proced­ures. With just a few mouse clicks, you can create clear and under­stand­able instruc­tions that help your employ­ees perform their tasks safely and efficiently. 

Easy handling of operat­ing instruc­tions with the safety² module operat­ing instructions

It enables uniform and consist­ent commu­nic­a­tion of safety inform­a­tion to your employ­ees. Clear instruc­tions reduce the risk of errors, accidents, and injur­ies and increase workplace safety.
Creation & Linking

Creation of operat­ing instruc­tions based on hazard assessment.


Ease of use is achieved through a wide range of pre-installed templates and symbols. Custom templates and symbols can also be integ­rated independently.


Train­ing of employ­ees in operat­ing instructions.


Multiple print functions for various compan­ies, businesses, depart­ments, and sub-departments.

The safety² module helps you fulfill your oblig­a­tion to provide inform­a­tion uniformly and legally secure with operat­ing instruc­tions. Access pre-made templates or create custom operat­ing instruc­tions tailored to your company. Integ­rate relev­ant safety policies, proced­ures, and protect­ive measures. Minim­ize poten­tial risks and ensure compli­ance with regulations.

Create opera­tional instruc­tions quickly, easily & digitally

The safety² module for opera­tional instruc­tions captures and creates digital opera­tional instruc­tions. In combin­a­tion with the safety² module for risk assess­ments, opera­tional instruc­tions can be automat­ic­ally gener­ated from the assess­ments. Pre-made templates and symbols support this process. The created opera­tional instruc­tions serve as the basis for the neces­sary train­ing sessions.

The Module in Action

Software developer Peter Schmidt explains what makes the safety² module operat­ing instruc­tions so special.

Through predefined templates in the safety² module operat­ing instruc­tions, new operat­ing instruc­tions can be created quickly and easily, exist­ing ones can be modified, and corpor­ate design and symbols can be easily integ­rated. The proact­ive linking with other modules gener­ates further documents if required, which are automat­ic­ally forwar­ded to the relev­ant locations/decision makers.

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